Opinion Essay przykład
Przykładowy opinion essay po angielsku
Rozprawka typu opinion essay na temat kupowania gotowych dań w supermarketach
Coraz więcej osób, zamiast gotować obiady w domu, korzysta z gotowych dań kupionych w supermarketach. Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz swoją opinię na ten temat.
More and more people do not cook in their homes, they prefer to buy a prepared meal in supermarkets. In my opinion it is bad idea, and I will try to prove that.
On the other hand, prepared meals saves our time. We do not need to buy all the ingredients of the meal, therefore buying a prepared dish is a good opportunity for a person who do not have much free time. Prepared meals also can be alternative for fastfoods, which are very unhealthly for us. They can be also cheaper.
I firmly believe that buying and eating a prepared meals is not a good idea, because it has got much more defects than benefits. We should eat normal meals as often as we can, and eat prepared ones only when we do not have enough time to eat healthly.
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